Parish Council

Chairman Louise Hyde 01953 889419
Vice-Chairman Stephen Mouser 01953 884012 [email protected]
Councillor Jo de Grey 01953 881 226
[email protected]
Councillor Jayne Wesley-Smith 01953 881919 [email protected]

The Parish Council was inaugurated in 1972, replacing the Parish Meeting which had been held for many years.

There are five seats for Councillors.  Elections for the parish council are held every five years.  All registered electors can stand for election.

The Parish Council is funded by precept. The precept is collected by Breckland District Council via the Council Tax, and distributed to the Parish Council.

The Parish Council has various duties and responsibilities.  The councils adopted policies and procedures can be seen by clicking here.

By law, all Parish Council business is conducted in public, by means of Parish Council meetings. This is to enable parishioners to be aware of, and be able to question, how their precept is being spent, and what other decisions the Parish Council is taking on their behalf.

The Parish Council welcomes all parishioners to these meetings.

Parishioners attending meetings are not entitled to speak, however the council welcome public participation and an agenda item is accounted for to allow pubic to ask questions and raised concerns, whether or not it is on the agenda.  All questions should be addressed to the chairman.

The Parish Council is also the Custodian Trustee for the Village Hall, and as such appoints the Village Hall Management Committee at its annual meeting.

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