Overview of Accounting Information

The financial year runs from 1st April to the 31st March.

Accounts: At the end of the financial year, the Cash Books and Bank Reconciliations are reviewed and signed off by the Parish Council and published on the webpage.  A paper copy of the signed off accounts is also available for Parishioners to view during the May meeting.

Budgets: A draft budget for the following financial year is reviewed during the September meeting. The final budget is signed off during the January meeting, and informs the Precept.

Precept: BDC informed of Parish Precept requirement in January, before the start of the next financial year.

Asset Register: updated at the end of each financial year with all additions and write-offs. Parish Councils do not depreciate assets.

External Audit: An Annual Return, based on the previous year’s accounts is agreed by the Parish Council during the May meeting, and the final version is signed off during the June meeting, prior to sending to the External Auditors.   On application to the Clerk, parishioners have the right to view the External Auditors comments during a designated period, normally in July/August.

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